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Sunday, July 3, 2022

"Camping" A New Code Word For Abortion

The lunacy of the far Left knows no bounds.

The Democrats in New York are introducing legislation to try to circumvent the recent Supreme Court ruling on constitutional carry of guns. 

Now, our favorite mode of vacationing, camping, is being used as a code word for abortion! Do you think that's crazy? Well, it is. But it isn't the first time an innocent word was perverted to mean something else. The word "gay" is a perfect example. 

Now the word "camping" the victim.

According to RV Travel:

RVers and all camping enthusiasts may think their favorite pastime is far removed from the country’s heated debate over abortion access, but that isn’t necessarily so.

Online social media posts offering to take people “camping” have suddenly become coded language for those supposedly offering aid to pregnant women seeking abortions who may live in states that ban the procedure. The posts include offers of transportation or out-of-state housing.

You might wonder how in the world a seemingly innocuous word like camping now finds itself being bandied about the internet by those in the forefront of the contentious abortion debate. It seems using a “code word” like camping instead of the word abortion is an effort to avoid algorithmic censorship on social media, and even potential detection by law enforcement agencies.

It all sounds so silly until you consider the potential fallout from abortion rights advocates using “camping” as a code word to avoid detection.

To read more, go here

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