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Thursday, September 1, 2022

Biden Tells Right-Wing "You Need An F-15"

As each day passes by, His Fraudulency shows the world how much of a moron he is.

He has always been a dick, but his senility is making that even more pronounced. He's just an idiot.

The latest from Human Events:

Speaking from Pennsylvania on Tuesday, President Joe Biden issued a message for “brave right-wing Americans,” saying that they “need something a little more than a gun” to fight against the United States, giving the example of an F-15 fighter jet as something to use instead.

“And for those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping Americans independent and safe, you want to fight against the country? You need an F-15, you need something a little more than a gun,” Biden told the crowd, referring to the second amendment.

And he (supposedly) plans to run for re-election?!

To read more, go here

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