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Monday, July 29, 2024

$15/Hour Minimum Wage Hurting Colorado Rafting Outfitters

Above, yours truly rafting the Snake River near Jackson, Wyoming in 2019.

Another factor of inflation these days (that doesn't get as much coverage as it should) is the raising of minimum wages in different states. 

Everyone is aware of the high prices at fast food restaurants due to higher minimum wages, but there are some businesses that are suffering which are not on anyone's radar.

One such business is the river rafting industry in Colorado. Colorado is a blue state dominated by radical Democrats.

A Colorado rafting company recently lost a court battle over the state's $15.00/hour minimum wage.

MSN.com reported:

GRANITE, Colo. (KKTV) -A recent federal court ruling could increase the cost of rafting on the Arkansas River. Colorado river outfitters, including Arkansas Valley Adventures, have lost their legal fight to avoid paying state-mandated minimum wages to their raft guides.

The decision, handed down on April 30 by the federal court, upheld a $15 per hour minimum wage, following an appeal to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last year.

The outfitters argued that the wage increase would escalate their operating costs, potentially leading to higher prices for customers and fewer available trips. The government contends that higher wages will boost worker productivity and improve service quality.

“You know, we’re going to pay you twice as much but guess what, we don’t have any work. It wouldn’t help us. We didn’t want that. We wanted an exemption. We wanted to understand our situation, and that just didn’t happen,” said Arkansas Valley Adventures owner Duke Bradford.

A $15.00/hour minimum wage sounds lovely, but that won't do anyone any good if companies have to cut back or even go out of business. The river rafting industry is especially hurt since it is seasonal.

To read more, go here

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