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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Democrat Election Scam Broken Down

Copied from X:

Here is the Democrat election scam broken down:

They create the illusion of support for a candidate by pumping them up in the media apparatus that they fully control.

They use billionaires to launder money to the candidate through straw donors on ActBlue. $3,300 max per person? No problem! Just funnel a billionaire’s $$ through hundreds of thousands of names. Wow look how “popular” they are!

Polling companies work for them so that’s no issue either. Just show the “transformational” candidate with strong numbers based on imaginary data. Now the public believes they “have a chance”.

Then they register 8+ million illegals to vote. They don’t need them to actually cast a ballot and risk getting caught. They just need that name on the voter roll so they can pump out a fake ballot and throw it in a dropbox undetected in a few key swing states. 

The Deep State FBI and DOJ won’t even open an investigation so no issue there, and if any judges start getting a little too close to allowing an actual trial showing evidence, that judge gets a very threatening phone call. Then boom, every single case is dismissed on standing - what great luck for them!

Then when they steal it, they ban anyone on social media calling out their scam, put up barbed wire around the Capitol, use thousands of troops to keep the public away, and start new wars across the globe for years on end. 

We no longer live in a free country.

We live under a communist regime masquerading as a Constitutional Republic. 

Trump is their greatest threat and they just tried to put a bullet in his head.

1 comment:

J.D. Lees said...

To which I can only add "AMEN." The most depressing thing is that so many Americans don't care, as long as they "win" by having their particular policy enforced by the "beneficent" government. The best solution would be partition of the country into red states and blue states. People could freely move to the system they liked: freedom, natural rights, equal opportunity and free enterprise in the red states and control, fake rights (ie. the "right" to abort kids up to and even beyond the point of birth, the "right" to to compete in women's sports despite being a man, the "right" to confiscate the property of others because of some injustice that may or may not have been done to your distant ancestors by someone unrelated to the person whose property you're stealing, the "right" to a job or position based on skin color or ethnicity, and the list of fake rights goes on...), enforced equal outcomes, and government-controlled economy in the blue states. Then let the leftist lunatics live in the "utopias" they've created. The fact that this has already been done (North Korea vs South Korea, East Germany vs West Germany, etc., etc., etc.) and the results are crystal clear doesn't seem to matter to these idiots. They want to do it all over again, but THIS TIME it will work. Let them try it, but not drag the rest of us into their hell.

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