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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Whispering Cedars Water Association Meeting

Above, Whispering Cedars water association members gathered today
 at the community volunteer fire station. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

For the first time since I've moved to New Mexico, I attended a meeting of the Whispering Cedars Mutual Domestic Water Association at the community's fire station.

About 60 residents attended and the meeting.

Above, Board Member Nandoh Munoz discusses his display of photographs to a resident. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The meeting followed a printed agenda which included election of board members, officers and a review of the necessary repairs to equipment during the past year. One of the repairs was made necessary to the upper tank and well house after a lightning strike in January.

I was pleased to learn that our water (from an underground aquifer) is one of the best in the region.

The meeting also included a pot luck lunch. Board Member Nandoh Munoz had a display of photographs of different repair and construction work done during the past year.

Following the water association meeting, the fire chief gave a report on the community volunteer fire department. One of the things the chief mentioned was the new fire engine the department obtained this last summer.

Above and below, the new community fire engine. Photos by Armand Vaquer.

Several of us later went outside to look over the new fire engine. It is pretty impressive.

I was able to meet several residents of our community. One recognized me from my Facebook page (image that!) and seeing me riding around on the mini bike. He is the one with a Trump flag on his fence. I mentioned that I have a Trump 2020 "No More Bullshit" flag and showed him a photo of it.

He joked, "Don't show that to my wife on Facebook! She'll want one and I'll have to put up a flagpole!"

During Q & A, I asked if we could get a better and more user-friendly water bill billing system. The one we have is confusing. They want to get a new billing program in, one that also includes payments by credit or debit cards. They can't do that now.

It was an interesting meeting and I learned a lot.

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