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Thursday, May 7, 2020

NM Candidates Second Amendment Grades

Above, NMSSA President Zach Fort addresses the January 31 2A rally in Santa Fe. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Primary election day is only a few weeks away. Do you know which candidates are pro-Second Amendment or socialist gun-grabbers?

Thanks to the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association and the National Rifle Association, grades have been given to each New Mexico candidate. You don't want to nominate or elect someone who would trample on your constitutional rights at their first opportunity, do you?

I received the following email from Zach Fort:


NMSSA and the NRA have teamed up to give our New Mexico candidates grades. 

You should enter the voting booth informed on who fights to preserve and protect your rights and who the radical gun grabbers are.

The fight to take back control in 2020 is a steep hill to climb. Many New Mexico candidates don't have gun owners' best interest in mind, so be informed, share the information, and help us take back control!

Click the link below to find your legislator's grade!

Zac Fort
President of NMSSA

PS Support NMSS by becoming a member or donating. Can we count on you to join the fight? Join or donate at 

NMSSA/NRA Candidate Grades

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