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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Kamala Harris On Gun Confiscation In Her Own Words

Too bad Kamala Harris's nose doesn't grow like Pinocchio's nose whenever a lie is told. It would've been several feet long when she had her debate with former President Donald Trump.

One big whopper of a lie was on her position of gun confiscation.

The NRA-ILA posted an article on what she has said about gun confiscation in the past.

They begin with:

During the September 10 presidential debate, President Donald Trump correctly highlighted Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s support for gun confiscation. A visibly defensive Harris claimed, “We're not taking anybody's guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.”

Harris supports gun confiscation. Harris has repeatedly expressed support for a mandatory gun “buyback” program where Americans would be forced to turn over their firearms to the government for a set price – in other words: gun confiscation.

They then show her position on gun confiscation in her own words.

To read it, go here

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