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Friday, September 13, 2024

The John Wayne 2nd Amendment Collection

The John Wayne Stock & Supply Co. is introducing their Second Amendment Collection on Wednesday, September 18.

According to their website:

At John Wayne Stock & Supply, we’re not just continuing a name—we’re preserving a legacy.

Led by the Wayne family, our mission is to ensure that the values the Duke stood for remain alive and well in the 21st century. This isn’t just about honoring the past; it’s about protecting the principles that shaped our nation and ensuring they’re carried forward for generations to come.

The Second Amendment isn’t just a right—it’s a responsibility. It’s about more than owning a gun; it’s about the power to protect your home, your family, and your freedom. It’s a reminder that in this country, the power remains where it belongs—with the people. That’s what our 2nd Amendment Collection is all about. Every piece, from our rugged tees to our classic Zippo lighters, is designed to keep the spirit of the Second Amendment alive.

John Wayne understood the weight of responsibility that comes with freedom. He portrayed men who lived by a code, who stood tall in the face of adversity, and who knew that some things were worth fighting for. Off-screen, John Wayne lived those values himself, and they’re the same values that drive our work today.

This collection isn’t just about the past—it’s about the future. It’s about ensuring that the freedoms this country was built on are still here for the next generation. When you wear our gear, you’re not just showing respect for the Duke—you’re standing up for a legacy that’s as relevant today as it was in his time.

If you believe in the values John Wayne stood for, if you’re committed to defending the freedoms that make this country great, then this collection is for you. Wear it with pride, knowing that you’re not just honoring a legacy—you’re carrying it forward.

America has always needed protecting. It still does. And it’s up to us to keep those freedoms strong.


To read more, go here


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