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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

2021: Expect Gun Sales To Soar

Above, guns for sale at the Albuquerque Cabela's. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Gun and ammunition sales went through the roof in 2020. We can expect more of the same, possibly even more so, this year.

The Arizona Daily Sun has an article on this. They think gun sales will soar this year if Biden ends up at the White House.

They wrote:

There are a lot of adjectives you can use to describe 2020. Just like all those who survived the 1929 stock market crash and subsequent economic depression, 2020 will be burned into the collective memories of 350 million Americans as their 1929 moment.

Rioting, looting, the Cancel and Woke movements, COVID-19, the move to decriminalize criminal behavior combined with the defunding police movement, leading to a marked increase in, you guessed it, gun sales.

Are shooting sports, like all outdoor activity, seeing a marked increase in popularity, or are more people worried about their family's safety? A bit of both?

Regardless, the federal background check system reports an incredible 19.1 million gun sales through the end of November. The National Shooting Sports Foundation reports that over 7.5 million of those purchasers are new gun owners.

Beyond this showing strong support for the 2nd Amendment, the on-the-street impact has been a marked lack of inventory of firearms and ammunition across the nation's retail stores. When supplies do arrive at any store, the stock is often depleted the day it is placed on the shelves.

To read more, go here

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