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Monday, October 5, 2020

Lujan-Ronchetti Debate: RPNM Press Release

Above, Mark Ronchetti.

For some reason, I was expecting the KOB Channel 4 debate between Rep. Ben Ray Lujan and Mark Ronchetti to be held tomorrow night. (That's what I read.)

Instead, it was held this evening.

Here is a press release by the Republican Party of New Mexico:

ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 5 — Tonight Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mark Ronchetti was the clear winner in a KOB-Santa Fe New Mexican debate against Rep. Ben Ray Lujan. The face-off also included Libertarian candidate Bob Walsh.

The debate demonstrated why Ronchetti deserves to be our next U.S. Senator. He focused on crime and the economy, providing specifics and a precise vision of where he wants to take New Mexico for the next six years. Lujan seemed lost and desperately tried to defend his record in Congress but failed to convince anyone that he has achieved any meaningful accomplishments for New Mexicans while in Washington.

Lujan seemed flustered and often evaded the questions. Ronchetti was confident, sharp and on target with his points.

“Mark Ronchetti demonstrated his strong political convictions and truly understands what New Mexico needs in these trying times,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “He exposed Lujan’s weak record in Washington and explained how the Congressman is two-faced when it comes to his actions in Washington and his desire to help his home state. Lujan failed to explain to New Mexicans what he’s done to improve their lives. He offered few specifics and played the blame game with others in Washington. It’s obvious that Ronchetti understands New Mexico and has real solutions. He knows what needs to get done to crack down on crime and to revitalize our economy.”


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