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Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Above, today at the U.S.Capitol.

Today has been one weird and sad day. Sad, but at the same time, quite understandable.

It started out for me with a trip to Gallup to a boot repair shop. Little did I know what I was going to see once I got home, even though I was given a heads-up the other day from a friend in law enforcement.

I find it difficult to believe that rank-in-file Trump supporters would storm the U.S. Capitol. There were fringe groups present. Some are positive that Antifa was involved. Others say white supremacists. And so on. Some videos showed people knocking down Capitol barricade fences. Other videos showed Capitol Police opening them up allowing protesters to enter. I couldn't believe it when I saw that.

Historically, at all Trump rallies and demonstrations, those attending usually leave the grounds clean. Whereas, Leftist leave tons of litter. That's one big reason I have my doubts.

The failure of leaders in the states to ensure fair elections caused many to not trust elections. The pent-up anger was leading to an explosion and it came today. 

Frankly, all this was caused by Democrats, their news media minions and the courts.

All this could have been avoided if the courts did their jobs, from the local federal courts on up to the U.S. Supreme Court, and heard the cases of voting irregularities, unlawful actions by non-legislature election officials and bureaucrats, Dominion voting machines and vote dumps. 

I'm not bothering to watch the proceedings in the House and Senate tonight as the final result is a foregone conclusion. 

Still, it is a sad state of affairs that massive protests became the only recourse. People were pushed against a wall with no other recourse and the inevitable happened. They are fed up.

The next four years are going to be bumpy.

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