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Monday, September 2, 2019

Gave The Gelding Next Door Some Carrots

Above, the horse backed into a far corner of his corral when I approached. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today, for the first time, I brought some carrots over to the gelding next door.

Above, when I tossed the first carrot, he came forward to eat it. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

He is leery of people and went to a far corner of his corral as I approached. In contrast, Christmas (the other horse I give carrots to) may be at a far end of her corral and will come over when I approach with carrots. She's used to people and she knows me now. She lets me pet her.

There's no chance of that with the gelding, at least at the present time. According to his owner, he bites. He'll have to be broken of that behavior.

Above, eventually he'll lose his fear. He was a wild horse, according to my neighbor. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

In time, he will lose his fear and will come over for his treats. Seeing how he was afraid to walk over, I just tossed the carrots to him. He walked to them and ate them. Maybe, the more I bring him carrots, the less fearful he will be.

But today was the first step. 

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