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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Mark Ronchetti

Above, GOP senate nominee Mark Ronchetti. 

The voters have spoken (at least the ones allowed to vote yesterday).

There were some voting irregularities that need to be addressed. I have one of my own, as I posted yesterday.

Mark Ronchetti is now the Republican nominee for U.S. Senator from New Mexico. He was not my choice (Elisa Martinez was).

He has "a lot of "splainin'" to do. He badmouthed Donald Trump at a climate change event last year, calling him the "orange one". Where does he stand today? Will he welcome the President to New Mexico for campaign events? Has he apologized for his remarks? Will he be a Republican senator we can be proud of or will he be a R.I.N.O. in the mold of a Mitt Romney or a Jeff Flake?

He needs to address these questions sufficiently for win conservative Republican support in the general election. Some have already declared their non-support. To me, he is preferable to Ben Ray Lujan. If he hopes to win the general election, he needs enthusiastic support from the Republican base.

If he wishes to address these questions here on this blog, he can contact me and I would be happy to interview him.*

*I have requested an interview with him via his website.

1 comment:

UralRider said...

He wasn't my choice either for the same reasons you addressed. It would instill some comfort for him to make good on his past comments. I don't know when his comments about the president were made, but the Rio Rancho rally was real....there are a lot of us.

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